Friday, August 3, 2012

The Myth That Fancy High Spinning Taekwondo Kicks Don't Work

Thoughts on advanced kicking for self defense and practical application.
Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, Hapkido, Kuk Sool, Hwarang Do, TaeSooDo, SooBahkDo
by John D. Nottingham, 6th Degree Black Belt USA Martial Arts & Kickboxing Phoenix

Sure Taekwondo is the most popular and widely practiced martial art in the world.  Taekwondo is not only a traditional art of self defense, it is an international Olympic sport.

Anyone who has practiced Taekwondo long enough has experienced the negative comments about the art.  The big, popular thing always takes its fair share of criticisms and hits because it makes a big target.  From WalMart to Taekwondo, there is little difference about being the lead dog and the convenient target of envy.

  • "Them fancy kicks don't work."
  • "High spinning kicks don't work on the street."
  • "You throw high kicks on the street and you'll get killed."
While I agree that these beliefs hold true for most people and martial artists, it does not apply to advanced kickers.  In my experience, these generalized comments are common to those who cannot kick or have not been on the receiving end of a skilled kicker.  The key is not if the kicks work, it is if the kicker can make them work.  In my career of practicing Korean Martial Arts for nearly 30 years, I have met some great kickers  who are highly functional and quite dangerous with kicks... yes, even the fancy high kicks and spinning kicks that are the target of so much bias opinion.  
John Nottingham Flying Side Kick with Punch circa 1994
photographer: David Goron

I know of numerous incidences of where high kicks have been used in self defense, law enforcement and other applications.  In on particular situation, a Taekwondo teacher knocked out an armed man robbing a bank he was in with a single high kick.  

An advanced kicker can throw dynamite kicks cold, with no warm up or even preparatory stance.  They can blast pin point targets from a variety of angles and set up the techniques in such a way as to create the desired result.  Of course these advanced skills aren't available to those who do not have the physical capability to do them - but that doesn't negate their proven effectiveness among those who can.

The generalizations about kicking are rooted in a fundamental flawed thinking paradigm, not on science, nor pragmatic analysis.  Instead it is subject to experience and personal opinion.  Those who have been with great kickers or can execute functional kicks themselves have no qualms with the effectiveness of their skills. They experience it first hand and learn the strengths and limitations of them.  It is those who cannot throw them or are unwilling to do the work necessary to functionalize their kicking techniques that are often the loudest critics.   Out of shape loud mouths who refuse to stretch and do the required practice are typically the most preachy.  Of course, this is the same for any functional technique - those who can do. 

The reason high kicks, advanced kicks and jumping spinning kicks can work is that it is a surprise.  Surprise remains the one of the greatest advantages in battle.  It is not the technique, it is the technician that matters most.  For those who do not have functional kicks, it is true that they are at greater risk of hurting themselves if trying to use them in practical application.  However, for those who have paid the price and done the work, they have additional tools in their arsenal that can offer a significant advantage.

The right tool for the right job is invaluable.  It's not what you do, it's how you do it.  As for me, I'd rather have a wide variety of skills to adapt to whatever the station dictates.  Not to mention, it's really fun to kick.  Just my opinion.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Taekwondo School in Phoenix Earns International Recognition from Kukkiwon of Korea

Did you know the Martial Arts industry is not regulated in the United States?

Most people assume that it is.

Martial Arts is unregulated
The real truth is that the martial arts industry in the US is unregulated.  In previous generations, certification to teach was closely monitored by the senior ranking and highly accomplished Masters.  They passed down their knowledge to select individuals who demonstrated the character, maturity and wisdom to be trusted to teach properly.

Are Your School and Instructor Authentically Certified, Bonafide and Documented?
Sadly, anyone with a few bucks can buy a black belt out of a martial arts supply store or karate catalog online and open a store or start teaching in a community center... and they do more often than the public usually knows.  Simply by calling themselves a 'martial arts' instructor is all that is required here.

Internationally Certified Taekwondo Master Black Belt 
Master John Nottingham holds multiple Black Belt, Master, and Instructor certifications with internationally recognized licenses.  He currently holds two Master Black Belt 7th Degree ranks in traditional Taekwondo. He has taught and promoted students in Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan, ITF Jhoon Rhee Taekwondo and WTF (World Taekwondo Federation/Kukkiwon) Taekwondo. Note: The W.T.F. is often mistaken as the certification arm when it is the affiliate tournament competition branch of World Taekwondo.

Certification Recognized by the Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters
The Official Governing Body for International Black Belt Rank Certification by the Korean Government
Additionally, he is a bonafide certified 5th DAN and MASTER ranking member of the Kukkiwon - the world governing body of Tae Kwon Do, headquartered in Seoul, under the auspices of the government of South Korea.  The Kukkiwon holds its members to specific standards and records official documents for certifying them as instructors.  While in Korea with students, he was also honored with a certificate award of special recognition from Kukkiwon for his efforts in promoting Taekwondo.  Any belt awarded by Master Nottingham is recognized by his pedigree and valid documentation. He can also have them revoked.

Travel To Korea, World-Class Training, Cultural Exchange, History
Master Nottingham feels strongly about sharing Korean culture, history and opportunities with his students.  He has taken groups to Korea numerous times to train, compete and learn about the history and culture with specially designed tours.  He is has also hosted international teams and trainers including Nam's All Star Taekwondo Team and, for over a decade, the Korean Eagles Taekwondo Team.  Due to these efforts and affiliations, his students experience unparalleled opportunities.

Leading By Example The Martial Way Action Philosophy
He holds ranks and instructor licenses in several arts and continues to study and practice as a student.  His studies include stand up striking, joint locks, pressure points, grappling, weaponry and more.  Master Nottingham also was tasked by his unit commander to develop a Special Forces Hand to Hand Combatives course while serving in an Airborne Special Forces reserve unit.  Owner of a security bodyguard training company,  his experience as a bodyguard, law enforcement and military trainer give him unique insight into the practical realm of self defense and personal security.

Hall of Fame Master of the Year
The experiences as a competitor, coach, referee, training in Korea and affiliations for nearly 30 years of teaching the way of Taekwondo (since 1992 in Arizona) bring unique levels of quality, safety, depth of knowlege and ability to his students.  Having taught thousands of men, women and children of all ages in the US and abroad have won him numerous awards and accolades including Master of the Year as a member of the Hall of Fame in 2005.  He has appeared in numerous publications including TaeKwonDo Times magazine and modest stunt roles in action movies.

Master With a Mission
Master Nottingham has devoted his professional life to practicing and sharing the martial arts that help him transform into the person he is today.  Overcoming numerous obstacles he has risen through the ranks to become a beloved instructor to his students who strives to lead by example, live the martial way and inspire others to become their personal best.

But that is just the beginning of the John Nottingham difference.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Children's Taekwondo Program Phoenix AZ - Taekwondo Classes for Kids

Children’s Taekwondo Program Phoenix AZ

A Specially Designed Tae Kwon Do Kids Class

  • Focus and Listening Skills -
  • Improve study habits & school grades
  • Respect for self and others and Anger Management- Positive self-image

  • Courtesy an manners – Social and communication skills

  • Self motivation and goal setting & problem solving

  • Learn exciting skills

  • Non-violent Conflict Resolution

  • Leadership Training

  • Positive Peer Group

  • Character Development

  • Fitness and Flexibility

"USA Martial Arts Taekwondo is one of the best thing you can do for you and your child!"

Give Your Child The Taekwondo Advantage!

USA Martial Arts Taekwondo Academy


Monday, September 5, 2011

Phoenix Taekwondo School Breaks Bricks Bigtime

Phoenix Arizona Taekwondo students from USA Martial Arts Phoenix are hitting the bricks. Recently they participated in a local AZ tournament to test their skills by breaking bricks and boards.

Inspired by their teams recent performance in an international competition held in Korea called the Taekwondo Hanmadang, these Arizona Taekwondoists are already preparing to compete for Taekwondo Team USA next year.
Here in Phoenix, the students competed for Gold, Silver and Bronze medals as well as trophies for division champions. The biggest prize, and the bragging rights, go to the overall tournament winner and Taekwondo Breaking Grand Champion with a six foot trophy. This tournaments Grand Champion was Conditional Black Belt Steve Moore.

All ages and belt ranks were invited to participate in events ranging from highest number of spin kicks with a board break in 20 seconds, highest jump kick, longest jump kick, freestyle creative breaking and biggest power break.
According to founder and Taekwondo 6th Degree Black Belt John Nottingham, "This is just one more tool we use to build our students inner-strength and prepare them for challenges in life. Our school stands for something beyond the kick, punch and throw. Not only is a breaking tournament like this highly rewarding and builds confidence, it really sets USA Martial Arts Taekwondo apart from your typical local Karate Dojo and Taekwondo school."

For more information on USA Martial Arts Phoenix Taekwondo they are offering a special trial program including a free uniform at It is an exclusive online offer for a limited time.

Taekwondo, Hapkido
USA Martial Arts Phoenix 4731 E. Greenway Suite 9 Phoenix, Arizona 85032
SW Corner of Tatum and Greenway 602-896-8721

*Photos courtesy of P. Dean

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Finally REVEALED! Secrets of Taekwondo Masters Most People Will Never Know...

Master John Nottingham Flying Kick & Punch Demonstrating a
Trademark Korean Taekwondo Martial Arts Technique

The TRUTH About Taekwondo Most People Don't Know

Taekwondo is a proven discipline to learn if you want to know how to strike, kick, punch or evade an attacker effectively. It teaches you striking skills, inner-strength and the character trait of self discipline. When you gain skill in Taekwondo, you can defeat opponents by using a variety of punching, kicking and evasion techniques. Taekwondo also would also uses sweeps and various takedowns to overcome an attacker.

Taekwondo will help you develop:

  • Efficient and effective kicking techniques
  • Excellent fitness, fat loss, strength, and flexibility
  • Cardiovascular development, aerobic and anaerobic conditioning
  • In-depth understanding of an opponent’s reach and timing

Taekwondo means ‘the way to kick or smash with the foot or punch’ and is the national sport of South Korea. Taekwondo is the world’s most widely practiced martial art and is an official Olympic sport. Taekwondo is known for its vast array of exotic and practical kicking techniques which have become legendary in Hollywood action movies, freestyle martial arts competition (XMA), and Kickboxing. Taekwondo emphasizes use of the legs since the give the kicker a strength and range advantage in an attack. The kicking range thwarts most of the opponents defenses as they cannot get close enough to employ their attack before struck with a Taekwondo kick. Additionally, the leg is three to seven times stronger than the arms and therefore more formidable weapons to employ. Skilled Taekwondo practicioners can throw a variety of deceptive kicking techniques from mobile positions to a variety of vital points and vulnerable targets. Despite Taekwondo's specialty kicking, punches, takedowns, sweeps, open hand strikes and joint locks are also employed for self defense.

USA Martial Arts Phoenix Integravitve Martial Arts (Mixed Martial Arts) MMA Reality Based Self Defense System

Some modern Taekwondo schools incorporate Hapkido, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga, Jeet Kune do or other systems to make sure students are well-rounded and highly skilled in practical street self defense. Such a school is USA Martial Arts Phoenix. Featuring a staff with over a century of combined martial arts expertise and experience, they bring in top champions, Masters and Grandmasters to cross train in a variety of styles. Many of the students earn multiple Black Belts and integrate skills based on their own unique goals, needs and body type.

The TRUTH About Taekwondo is...

A students education is based less on the style and more on the teacher and the curriculum at their school. Each martial arts school can develop his or her own curriculum, unless bound by a strict affiliation. The truth is that schools usually have a foundation in a classical system or base art such at Taekwondo, Karate, Kung Fu to develop a students character. Good instructors who continue their education will have trained in other arts and styles, often times earning Black Belt instructor ranks, thus offering their school and students a broader education. The quality of the training, experience and education is more determined by the school culture, curriculum and the leadership of the primary instructors than anything else.

Taekwondo Philosophy

Taekwondo emphasizes a personal development format, encouraging character and a positive attitude. The TENETS OF TAEKWONDO are among the most respected philosophical lessons in the martial arts community. At USA Martial Arts Phoenix these include:


  • MODESTY (Original tenet from General Choi Hong Hi of the ITF)
These TENETS are part of a code of conduct and set of virtues for the Taekwondo student to aspire to in every day life. It is considered the highest practice of the art to internalize these and express them in daily living.

Taekwondo Black Belt Success Formula

Taekwondo is also known for it's streamlined learning format and emphasis on encouragement and reward. Due to the streamlined format it is considered by some to be one of the fastest ways to progress in basic punching, kicking and blocking skills to earn Black Belt. The global proliferation of Taekwondo, the large number of Black Belts is evidence that this process is highly effective in encouraging students to continue training. This rewards system of belt promotion, optional tournament competition, organizational structure and culture of character makes it ideal for men, women and children of all ages to participate and enjoy.

Taekwondo Belt Ranking
Gold (Yellow)
Black 1-9th Degree

Taekwondo Belt Ranking Color Belt Through Black Belt

Taekwondo Belt Ranking varies from school to school and organization to organization. However, most are similar in their structure and colored belt rank progression. The above belt rank structure is from USA Martial Arts Phoenix, an integrated Taekwondo Martial Arts system that incorporates elements from other styles and disciplines while still teaching a complete traditional taekwondo curriculum. Some have more or less belts based on the breadth and depth of the school curriculum. Belt ranking also helps with matching Taekwondo or other students of similar skill level on competition or if they transfer to a different Dojang (Taekwondo School) or CheYuKwan (Taekwondo Gym).

How Taekwondo Students Promoted

Some martial arts schools match time and experience to rank while others match skills to rank. However, most match both time and rank with a students attendance, attitude, and progress. Most schools take into consideration the individual progress and development of color belt ranks, age, aptitude and individual goals. It is far more subjective than most people realize and relies heavily upon the judgment of the instructors and promoting Master Instructor.

Most Taekwondo students are promoted by a panel of Masters or senior ranking instructors from outside his or her own school. This is to provide objective testing standards, legitamacy of rank, official certification and to ensure standards are being met. Some schools belong to international, national or local organizations while others are maverick schools operating independently. Some schools pay association fees, certification fees, and master fees while other instructors keep it all themselves or don't even charge for testing. Legitimate and bonafide schools tend to have testing fees which go to further promote the art, pay for Master fees, certification or other administrative costs associated with certificates, documentation or the like. Some schools will hire and pay for masters to travel to attend and certify belt promotions, especially Black Belt ranks. Other schools may ask students to travel to a headquarters school for official testing, usually for Black Belt or advanced Black Belt rank.

Higher Rank Black Belt Dan Promotion in Taekwondo

At higher ranks, such as senior Black Belt ranking ie Master, practitioners may be required to travel to Korea to test at the Headquarters, such as the World Taekwondo Federation Kukkiwon in Seoul Korea. Others might put together a panel of senior ranking Grandmasters (usually 8th and 9th Degree Black Belt) to conduct testing. The traditional rule is that all promoting masters must be at least two Dan ranks higher than the promotion they are giving, however it varies from organization to organization. At USA Martial Arts Phoenix, all color belt tests are conducted only by an authentically certified Master Instructor, all Black Belt tests are presided over by Senior Masters and Grandmasters and Master promotions are made in Korea by a panel of Grandmasters. At USA Martial Arts, a students primary instructors are not allowed to issue rank for ethical reasons of a conflict of interest.

Adult Dan Black Belt Rank and Children's Poom Black Belt Rank

Most Taekwondo schools adhere to the "Keub" or "Gup" system which simply means "class" or "grade", much like grade school. Black Belt or "Dan" ranking is reserved for adults earning various "degrees" of Black Belt rank. The Keub system works in decending order:
9th Keup White Belt (Some consider white to be a non Keup rank)
8th Keup
7th Keup
6th Keup
5th Keup
4th Keup
3rd Keup
2nd Keup
1st Keup (usually Red Belt)
1st Poom (Junior) or Dan (Adult) Black Belt
2nd Poom or Dan Black Belt
3rd Poom or Dan Black Belt
4th Dan Black Belt (Sometimes Jr. Master)
5th Dan Black Belt (Sometimes Master)
6th Dan Black Belt (Sometimes Senior Master)
7th Dan Black Belt (Sometimes Senior Master)
8th Dan Black Belt (Grand Master or Kwan Jang Nim)
9th Dan Black Belt Grand Master Rank

Junior Black Belts are referred to as "Poom" and can go as high as 3rd Poom. Junior Black Belt Poom ranks can convert to "Dan" ranks upon reaching adulthood, usually with an affirming Belt Test in front of Masters. Most of the initial Black Belt rank promotions (1st Dan Black Belt through 5th Dan Black Belt) are based on a higher degree of physical skill and what an individual does in the Art of Taekwondo. The higher Dan or Degrees of Black Belt and Mastery are based on what an individual does FOR the Art of Taekwondo. Often these are honorary titles bestowed upon those who act selflessly for the art and future generations of Taekwondo Practicioners. It is also based on leadership, service and continued education and development to further the art and mission of Taekwondo.

Titles in Taekwondo

Titles vary in Taekwondo. Often mislabeled by the Japanese names of Sensei or Kyoshi, the correct titles in Taekwondo are based on Korean names for rank and leadership responsibilities. However most often the senior instructor in charge or junior Master is referred to as SA BUM NIM or SA BOM NIM. Grandmasters are usually referred to as KWAN JANG NIM. Today, school owners often use the title KwanJangNim and the head instructor goes by Sabumnim.

Basic Equipment in Taekwondo

Taekwondo Equipment usually includes:
Dobok: Official Taekwondo Uniform
Di: Official Taekwondo Belt of Rank

Taekwondo Sparring Equipment
Hogu: Body armor
Headgear, mouthpiece, forearm, shin pads, foot pads, gloves
Taekwondo for Children

Taekwondo is also the preferred martial art by many parents, especially Mothers of young children. The fun format of kicking pads, running, jumping and coordination skills encourage many young parents to start their child in Taekwondo. Additionally the lessons children learn in good manners, practical life skills, safety and self defense reinforce values and lessons parents teach at home. It is beneficial not only for children's bodies but also their minds as Taekwondo prepares them for success in future life.

Taekwondo for Cross Training

Many professional athletes enroll their children in Taekwondo training because it is positive for their personal growth and development. A growing trend is for the athletes to enroll with their child to build a special bond, have more quality family time and build lasting memories.

Athletes also join Taekwondo due to its proven track record for conditioning, flexibility, physical and mental development. From focus and stress management skills to the sheer joy of kicking bags and throwing a great kick, Taekwondo can be very rewarding. Plus, nothing builds confidence like earning a Black Belt.

Taekwondo for Beginners

The important thing is to find a Martial Arts school that fits your needs, goals and work hard wherever you are. What you get out of any martial arts training, Taekwondo or otherwise, will be in direct proportion to the effort, commitment and dedication you put into it. Real martial arts skill begins with Black Belt and progresses from there. This is why most Masters teach that Black Belt simply means "serious student".

For more information about Taekwondo, ITF, ATA, WTF or USA Martial Arts contact John Nottingham at


John Nottingham is a 6th Degree Black Belt Master Instructor in Taekwondo as well as multiple Black Belt ranks in other systems. He has taught the WTF, ITF and Jhoon Rhee system of Taekwondo. He is the owner of USA Martial Arts and Nottingham Sword and Shield Security Bodyguards in Phoenix Arizona.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why One Man Chose Taekwondo Over Other Martial Arts Styles

Here is an interesting find I encountered while responding to a thread on a blog post.  I thought it was unique and therefore wanted to share it here in the Taekwondo Training Phoenix blog.  My comments and thoughts are in blue.

In response to the following question posted online...

I’m thinking about taking up martial arts. I don’t have much previous experience, but I want a fun way to stay healthy, and martial arts seem real cool. I’m not sure what style to pursue, though. Does anyone have any suggestions, and reasons why they like a certain style? Thanks so much!

"Abhi D says:

since you said you wanted to have fun and stay healthy and wanted to learn a martial arts there are a couple things you should consider:
1)whats close by
2)whats in your budget
3)does their schedule match up with yours (most martial art classes are at night during the weekdays all over the USA)
My recommendation is tae kwon do, I am talking from experience here because I currently am training in it (despite me being biased hear me out). My reasons why:
1)It will help with flexibility more than any other martial arts, ask any martial artists and they will say that in general Taekwondo improves flexibility more than any other martial arts. Flexibility is something that gets harder to gain as time goes on but become more and more important to avoid injuries from even daily activities as you get older.
2)It helps cardio- since you want to stay healthy cardio is key more than even strength, you will naturally lose muscle mass as you age, but having good endurance can carry on for life, and taekwondo is a martial arts that can be carried on till the day you die if you so choose. If you need to stay healthy TKD is the best bet in terms of longterm cardio and short term cardio as you will run a bit, kick a bit, and do different types of drills a bit making sure nothing ever gets stale, I personally hate working out in gyms because it is too monotonous, in TKD its keeps changing and you can push yourself as much as you want but you have a support system of friends you train with that will make sure you do not fall behind once you train for a couple of months and catch up with the color belts.
3)Injuries- in other martial arts you are going to get hit in the face and body during sparring in such a way that you will be sore, and get cuts on your face, etc. like you see in boxing, or UFC(which is a combination of many sports, predominantly mui tai, karate, kick boxing, bazillion jijitsu, etc.) whereas in Olympic style TKD sparring you have gear that allows you to hit hard but not get hit hard, the injuries are minimal to other sports, that is why some other martial artists look down upon TKD.
4)More potential- TKD is a martial arts that you can practice effectively from 4-104 unlike some martial arts like mui tai where once you pass a certain age it can become hazardous to your health. Also if you become really good at it you could go to the olympics, you never know.
5)Bone density- Over last summer I participated in a summer program for high schoolers at Johns Hopkins University, at this program one of 30 students were selected by lottery to get a free DEXA scan. I was selected and my bone density was measured. According to the technician that explained to my class the results my bone density in the lower half of my body was off the charts for someone still in my age , my hips, knees, and other joints were especially dense. A lot of taekwondo is focused on the lower body, this explained my immense lower body bone density. Since many elderly people are hospitalized because they fell and broke their hips in the shower or something like that taekwondo could be a preventive measure since it could help increase bone density in your hips. Also many people have knee surgery and TKD could help avoid that aswell.
6) I don’t know about how fun other martial arts are, but sparring in TKD is the funnest thing I do on a daily basis, its exciting to watch and be a part of once you get down the basics, and it allows you to be creative and energetic in and highflying, versus other martial arts like wrestling where you are making short abrupt movements based on power and skill rather than what TKD uses which is an equal combination of strength, speed, flexibility,skill, and intelligence."
End of his Post
While I do not advocate any one style over another, this is interesting for several reasons.  The key to determining the best style (way) to learn martial arts is determining your individual goals and aligning yourself with a good school and instructor who can help you achieve those goals.  The kind of martial art, in my experience, should be a secondary consideration.  However, it is a component and this writer conveys his thoughts in a well conceived format.  I found it so unique that I wanted to share it here.
The big lesson I'm attempting to communicate is to do your homework.  It does make a difference and can have profound impact on your experience as a student.  
Best wishes and keep kicking. -jn

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Taekwondo is TaeKwon FUN! The Kick, Punch Way in Phoenix, Scottsdale Arizona USA

Taekwondo Training Phoenix
Human Weapon Martial Art of Korea - Tae Kwon Do

The ancient and modern martial art of Taekwondo is practiced by a purported 70 million men, women and children around the world.  The hit cable television show HUMAN WEAPON featured Taekwondo and predecessor variant Korean Martial Arts of TaeKyun, and Hwarang Do.

Bill Duff and Jason Chambers travel the world to explore different martial arts and fighting styles.  In each country they fight a representative of each style.

Human Weapon

 Human Weapon was a weekly cable television documentary on The History Channel.  It premiered on July 20, 2007 to rave reviews and a strong following from the martial arts community. It featured two American hosts, Jason Chambers and Bill Duff, as they travel across the world studying various martial arts, or systems of fighting, which have origins in the various parts of the globe.

The show is similar to a later program called "Fight Quest".  Both shows are a clear take on Discovery Channels "GO WARRIOR" featuring our friend Master Roland Osbourne.

The HUMAN WEAPON began each show with a basic history and introduction of the martial art or fighting style origin.  Then they are paired up with different trainers and are sent to train in various styles of the respected art or system.  While there they learn the culture, heritage and origins of the martial art or fighting style.

The viewer is treated to lots of eye candy from exotic demonstrations of traditional and modern applications from various demonstration teams and experts or Masters.  Techniques are presented with motion capture animation and a scientific explanation of the mechanics, force and how it can be applied.

In the Korea Taekwondo episode they meet and train with a HwarangDo Master Lee and do some traditional training in the Korean mountains.  They also visit the World Taekwondo Headquarters called Kukkiwon and learn the Taekwondo tornado kick from a leading Taekwondo University coach and master.  They also experience the training and traditional roots of TaeKyun, even attempting to incorporate the TaeKyun "horse kick" into their arsenal before the Taekwondo sparring match fight.

In the TKD match at Kyunghee University, they face an armed forces Taekwondo Sparring champion.  Bill gets knocked out with a spinning kick while Jason twists his knee and is forced to forfeit.  Both ended up learning that TAEKWONDO is much more than most people know.  I think they each have a much healthier respect for the power of a skilled Taekwondo practicioner than they started with.

Want to learn Taekwondo in Phoenix, Scottsdale or Paradise Valley Arizona?
If you have ever wanted to know how to do Taekwondo for yourself or your child, now you can.  Experience the rich heritage of traditional Korean Martial Arts as well as modern Olympic Taekwondo at USA Martial Arts Phoenix.  

USA Martial Arts Phoenix Taekwondo Academy
WEBSPECIAL for Childrens Taekwondo Phoenix
4731 E. Greenway Suite 9

Phoenix, Arizona 85032